Calm Coronavirus Fears and Anxiety with EFT Tapping


woman's face, eyes closed, calm coronavirus fears, anxiety, emotional freedom techniquesWhenever a pandemic viral infection emerges, such as the Coronavirus, fear, anxiety, and worry over the potential for, and experiences of, dire consequences can cause great havoc.

Experiences of shock, trauma, or intense fear – whether due to “real” or imagined situations – can leave a deep, negative imprint on ones bodily energy system, which can ultimately weaken the immune system and make us more susceptible to infections. This energy disruption is often highly “charged,” can be stubbornly self-sustaining, and resistant to change, especially with conventional methods.

Psychiatric counseling is expensive and results take time. Stress-reducing medications often come with unwanted side-effects and dependency.

During this time of sudden uncertainty and evolving changes, calming feelings of fear and anxiety as they arise is very important, because doing so will enable your body to bring forth its highest healing capacity.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and especially the EFT Choices Method, is successful for fears because it does not just use a mental or rational approach; it goes directly to the source of the emotional charge – the disrupted energy signals running through the mind/body system. Because it targets the body’s energy system (meridians) directly, it can very often clear up fears and anxiety with unprecedented ease and speed.

In addition to following the CDC guidelines for the Covid-19 virus, if you are experiencing coronavirus-related fears, anxiety, panic, or even illness, try one or more of the following EFT Choices exercises. 


EFT Choices for Fear and Anxiety

First, notice how strongly you feel afraid, terrified, or anxious about the pandemic situation, and rate its intensity on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most intense. 

Next, combine the Set-Up phrase, below, using the word that best describes your emotion, with any one of the Reminder Phrases. Repeat the entire statement, as you tap on the Karate chop spot three times. 

If you’re not familiar with EFT, watch this short video clip to locate the tapping spots.



The Set-Up Phrase

Even though I feel anxious (scared, terrified etc.)…


Reminder Phrases

… I choose to be calm and confident.

… I choose to let go of predictions and enjoy today.

… I choose to feel safe.

… I choose to handle this situation with surprising ease.

… I choose to remember some good feelings that I had today.

… I choose to be a calm and level-headed role model for those around me.


Continue repeating the Reminder phrase as you do a full round of tapping. Do as many rounds of the Reminder Phrase(s) as you feel necessary to bring your intensity rating down. 

EFT Choices for Calming Stressful Symptoms


The Set-Up Phrase

Even though I’m worried (frightened, outraged, distressed) at what is happening to my body,


The Reminder Phrases…I choose to find an unexpected strength in myself at this time.

… I choose to be healthy and well.

… I choose to heal in unexpected ways.

… I choose to stay in contact with (my Higher Self, Spirit, God, etc.) and derive great (comfort, calm, peacefulness, etc.) from it.

… I choose to know there is a part of me that knows how to release the distress.


Another Set-Up Phrase

Even though I am going go through this pain,


The Reminder Phrases

… I choose to know that in some way the discomfort is bringing healing.

… I choose to heal quietly, painlessly and fully..

… I choose to be gentle and loving with myself as I heal.

… I choose to know there is a part of me that knows how to banish the (infection, virus, cause of the pain.)


EFT Choices for Pain Acceptance

In many instances pain can increase as we fight it, and can decrease as we allow it simply to be.

For example, try using a Choice such as:

“Even though I have this pain, I choose to flow with the pain (discomfort etc.)”

This and similarly worded Choices can help stop the fighting response against the pain. “Flow with the pain, relax, stay calm,” or however you similarly word it in a Choice, can be deeply beneficial; a long advised tactic used by many who work with severe pain in a compassionate manner.


EFT Choices Using “Power Memories”

When struggling with pain, illness, or injury of any kind it can be very helpful to use “Power Memories” with your tapping. These memories take the form of “Turnarounds” that you have witnessed in your life, or in the lives of other people you have known.

To do this, think of a “turnaround” situation, such as:

  • a distressing illness (of yours or another person’s)
  • when you were afraid that something disastrous was going to happen
  • an unfortunate situation that was surely unalterable

Then recall how — all of a sudden — for no predictable reason, that situation turned completely around, and none of the feared possibilities actually occurred.

Maybe an expected medical diagnosis didn’t happen at all, or the condition didn’t take as long to heal as others had predicted. You may very well know of such “turnaround” situations, it is just a matter of bringing them to mind.

Tip: Recall only actual incidents where turnarounds really did happen. If you think of a fictional situation that turned around, you will somehow dismiss it in the back of your mind as the character’s/author’s idea of a “happy ending.”

When you think of the recalled situation, remember the feelings of surprise, joy, and relief that you felt when it happened; this is your important “Power Memory.”

For this exercise, think of that situation and commence with the following exercise.

EFT Choices Trio Exercise

First Round of the Trio

“Even though I’m scared about my condition, I choose to remember what happened when (yours or another person’s situation) turned around.”

Tap that statement three times, at the Karate Chop spot, and then do one round of tapping for the NEGATIVE, starting with the inner eyebrow spot.

Inner eyebrow: I’m scared about my condition.

Outer Eye: I feel discouraged about my condition.

Under Eye: I feel almost hopeless about it.

Under Nose: I’m worried and anxious about it .

Under mouth: I’m afraid it will never go away.

Collarbone: I’m afraid of what the outcome may be.

Under Arm: I feel discouraged.

Top of head: I try to be positive, but I’m frightened.


Second Round of the Trio

Next, do one round of the POSITIVE. Starting with the inner eyebrow, repeat this positive Choice at each successive tapping point.

“I choose to remember what happened when (my or the other person’s situation) turned around.”

Third Round of the Trio

Next, do one or more rounds, alternating the negative and the positive phrases.

If you are familiar with the Choices Method, you know this maneuver is meant to link your negative thoughts, repeatedly, to an opposite, positive thought, thus retraining both in your mind.

Beginning with the eyebrow spot, say the negative phrase, and then say the positive phrase at the next tapping spot, and alternate the statements on each spot for one whole round. 

Alternating Example

Inner eyebrow: I’m scared by my condition.

Outer Eye: I choose to remember what happened when (name that situation) turned around.

Under Eye: I feel discouraged about my condition.

Under Nose: I choose to remember the positive turnaround of (name that situation.)

Under Mouth: I’m afraid this will never go away.

Collarbone: I choose to remember that feeling of relief when (name that situation) turned around.

Under Arm: I’m anxious about my condition

Top of Head: I choose to remember the amazing turnaround of (name that situation.)

Using the Choices Trio (negative statement, positive statement, alternating statements) can greatly increase the value of the positive Choices statements in order to take the “charge” off of the negative aspects of the situation. The more often that you do a trio, the more likely you will tend to think of a positive statement whenever the negative thoughts come to mind. 

As you do EFT tapping for the Covid-19 virus, or other similar infections, try to be open to new possibilities.

*** Most importantly, these suggestions won’t have a chance to help, if you don’t remember to tap! Listen to (or read) this free tap-along exercise for remembering to do EFT Tapping.

May these EFT Choices exercises help bring you some calm and comfort… (See Learn EFT: A Step-by-Step Guide for more in-depth details of the method.) 


More Stress-Relieving Methods


The Releasing Method

Clinically Standardized Meditation (Self-Directed Course)



  1. Much appreciation Lynn. Thank you for this connection with Pat’s beautiful energy.

  2. Thanks for this–lovely to feel Pat is still helping

  3. Thanks so much for this, I haven’t practiced EFT for years, it has reminded me what a wonderful tool it is, especially Pat’s choices method, I am going to print out the above to help myself and others.
    Carol Sachs
    Plettenberg Bay
    South Africa

    • You’re very welcome, Carol and thank you so much for sharing it! Wishing you and yours calm and wellness. 🙂


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