About Meditation



What is Meditation?

Patricia Carrington, Ph.D, author of Freedom in Meditation and creator of Clinically Standard Meditation” (CSM), provides basic information about meditation.

Benefits of Meditation

Patricia Carrington, PhD, author of Freedom in Meditation (formerly The Book of Meditation), discusses the wide array of meditation benefits.

Meditation Articles

Dr. Patricia Carrington answers questions about meditation, shares information on the benefits of meditating, and addresses problems encountered by meditators.

Meditation Research

List of research studies on Mantra Meditation, referenced in Freedom in Mediation, and some new research on directive and non-directive meditation techniques.

Free Meditation Audios

Directory of short audios, excerpted from Dr. Patricia Carrington’s Learn to Meditate Course, her award winning Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM) system that share benefits, tips, and precautions for meditation.

Meditation & Relaxation Products

Learn how to meditate, with Dr. Patricia Carrington’s popular Clinically Standardized Meditation System (CSM), an easy, affordable, authoritative form of meditation, learn how to relax while in motion, and delve deeper into the history and use of meditation with her Freedom in Meditation eBook.

Why Meditation and EFT Work So Well Together



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