Use EFT to “Listen” to Your Pain and Promote Healing

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

In my book, “Multiply the Power of EFT,” I have described some new ways in which you can deal with pain by using EFT.

Today, I will talk about what I call “giving loving attention” to your pain by doing EFT, and how this can work to alleviate the pain and sometimes to effect actual healing of its underlying cause.

This … Continue reading

EFT for Pain Management

One of the most frequent uses of EFT is to treat pain.  Physicians, nurses, dentists and other health professionals have reported remarkable results when they have used EFT for both acute and chronic pain patients. In  addition, many individuals have applied EFT successfully on their own to reduce or eliminate severe, sometimes crippling pain in themselves or others

This does not mean that EFT always works to … Continue reading

Diagnosis Cancer: How EFT Can Help

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Some time ago, I received this question:  “I have just been diagnosed with colon cancer. I will probably have surgery within the week. Any direction with respect to EFT procedure or an affirmation will be most welcomed.”

Here are my thoughts on this.

I advise people who are confronting a potentially life-threatening, health-threatening situation such as yours to use EFT in a special way in terms … Continue reading