The Scarcity of Ideas Myth

girl in a vintage flower garden paintingGenerally, scarcity is a defining foundation of economics that relates to physical goods and resources. When looking at physical goods and resources, however, one must also consider the impact that a creative flow of ideas has on both.

A January 2022 article from WAVES , discusses how ideas are vital for offering broad and large scale prosperity and economic growth, and it delves into reasons for the scarcity of ideas as they relate to profiting from innovation – on a large scale.

On a smaller, personal scale, the notion that ideas are scarce can be profoundly stifling. People often believe that they are incapable of coming up with new ideas in their work, their businesses, potential business ventures or careers, and in other areas of life.

In 2008, Dr. Carrington pondered the notion of a scarcity of ideas and shared a clever postcard fiction story via an email exchange with a colleague over topics for a potential collaborative project.

Here is a slightly edited version of this newly found story.

A fascinating thing happened to me during a recent teleconference that was seemingly created to change the biggest “lies” that have been perpetuated regarding certain segments of our lives. 

The word “lies” might not be fitting, but rather “myths” would be my preference.

During the session, the host asked those of us on the call to think of a scenario that had contributed to feelings of scarcity in our life and jot it down. 

After we had shared these, she asked us to make up a story that was exactly the opposite of that scenario. Interestingly, a story immediately came to me: 

‘A girl was in a beautiful garden filled with extraordinary flowers. She visited it often, but always hesitated to pluck one of the flowers because she didn’t want to deplete the flowers in the garden – she hated the thought of the empty space that would be left if she plucked the flower – a non-flower space; the loss of a flower. 

But finally, after deliberating, the girl does pluck an exquisite rose and something extraordinary, almost magical, happened.

Immediately, in place of the flower she plucked she saw two exquisite flowers appear. They were different but equally beautiful. Unbelievingly, she plucked another flower and again, two miraculously beautiful, healthy flowers appeared.

Soon she discovered that this was happening each time! It seemed to be the nature of the garden, but she had never known it before.

Also, and equally miraculously, the garden never became too full or crowded with flowers as they began to multiply because a balance was somehow being maintained – just enough exquisite flowers to keep her happy, never too many, never a dearth of flowers – just replenishment and a delicately balanced abundance.

The girl had discovered a special secret of life!

There is infinity where we have believed there are limits, and our using up of resources can create other, richer resources.

(Scarcity is) Not just (about) money or material possessions.

… the world of IDEAS is being perceived by us as limited when in fact they are not. 

Like in the “magic flower garden,” when one idea is used up by us, two or three can spring up in its place, even more beautiful and more powerful. This is not realized on a deep gut level by many people at all.

Interestingly, in late 2021, Phil McKinney, an award-winning innovator and author expounded upon this notion in his article, The False Theory of Idea Scarcity, stating:

When an idea creates the spark that leads to something new being created, it takes the place of something old, and the creative cycle starts again with a new idea. The only way to run out of ideas is to stop creating.”

Over the years, Dr. Pat delved deeper into this subject by addressing how to overcome common blocks to creativity with EFT Tapping, which can often enable people to defy a scarcity of ideas in their lives.

Hear Dr. Carrington talk about the Scarcity of Ideas Myth, along with some common blocks to generating new ideas in the following brief audio clips gleaned from her “How to Get an Inspiration Exactly When You Need It” and the “EFT Motivational Series” packages.

Short Intro (From the How to Get an Inspiration package)

Do these statements resonate with you? (From the How to Get an Inspiration)


Fear of Disappointment Block (From the EFT Motivational Series)


On Limiting Beliefs (From the EFT Motivational Series)




This mini-course includes a series of EFT tapping exercises to help you Tap into Unlimited Ideas and End the Tyranny of Deadlines, along with a 70-minute interactive discussion that tackles how to overcome the “my mind is blank” syndrome that can so readily occur when you are told to “be creative!” or “come up with new ideas!” or “find new answers!”
How to Get An Inspiration

Check out this collection of insights and tapping exercises, with Dr. Carrington, designed to inspire, strengthen, motivate, and keep you moving forward in discovering and energetically pursuing what you strive for in life.
Motivational EFT Tapping Series

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