How to Do Surrogate EFT Tapping

How to Do Surrogate TappingI regularly receive questions from readers asking how to use surrogate tapping with EFT. In effect “proxy tapping,” where one person taps for another person, animal or plant, is a most interesting topic about which we know relatively little at this point, but which nevertheless holds … Continue reading

Using EFT to Change a Basic Perception of Life

Even very experienced EFT’ers often fail to use EFT to change the basic ways they view life.  This is probably because most of us have difficulty seeing the forest for the trees.  We can recognize the details of our lives and we know how we respond to them, but we can be quite unaware of the underlying assumptions about life and people that are actually running our lives.

An important … Continue reading


Choices-Manual-MP4s-combo-greeneryThis combination package includes:

The EFT Choices Manual and Choices Workshop Video


The EFT Choices Training Manual (E-Book) teaches you the widely acclaimed Choices Method.  Along with the Choices Workshop videos, (Offered at a 50% off Discount), which give you an unprecedented opportunity to “attend” Dr. Carrington’s popular Choices Workshop … Continue reading