Diagnosis Cancer: How EFT Can Help

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

Some time ago, I received this question:  “I have just been diagnosed with colon cancer. I will probably have surgery within the week. Any direction with respect to EFT procedure or an affirmation will be most welcomed.”

Here are my thoughts on this.

I advise people who are confronting a potentially life-threatening, health-threatening situation such as yours to use EFT in a special way in terms … Continue reading

Unable to Experience the Problem with EFT

Question: I have suffered from a fear of speaking and reading aloud in public for many years. When I prepare to do EFT, I often can’t call up the uncomfortable physical symptoms related to public speaking, making it difficult to obtain an initial SUDS level.  Can EFT be effective when one is unable to “experience” the problem one is treating?

Answer: Of course EFT can be effective under these conditions … Continue reading

Assessing Your Chosen EFT Practitioner

Previously, I discussed the process of finding an EFT practitioner who has sufficient skills to help you with your issue.  Now let’s look at whether the EFT practitioner whom you have finally located is actually the right one for you.  Are they really going to help you where you need help most?

Here are some suggested questions you can ask yourself about any practitioner with whom you are working.  You … Continue reading

Using Personal Resource States in EFT

I am increasingly impressed with the effectiveness of using what are called “Personal Resource States;” a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) term and concept, with EFT. The result can be excellent. By accessing personal resource states and inserting them into the set-up and reminder phrases of EFT, we can often make breakthroughs that might otherwise not be possible.

Recently, I had an experience with a client, … Continue reading

Will Illness Respond to EFT?

Now, I will address the most frequent question that is asked of me by the many people. They want to know whether EFT can be used for one or another specific medical condition that they themselves suffer from or that someone close to them does.

Very often people write to ask me whether EFT can be helpful for a specific physical condition, often it is a serious one.  Many of … Continue reading

Should I attempt EFT to solve my problem on my own, or seek an EFT professional?

Question: At what point should one consider working with a professional trained in EFT, rather than attempting to solve a problem on one's own.  I'm beginning to thing that working with a professional might be less frustrating than trying to deal with all the aspects on my own and might enable me to progress more quickly.

Answer: If a series of aspects seems so overwhelming … Continue reading