How to Do a Daily Stress Check with EFT

man doing a daily stress check with eft

Why Do a Daily EFT Stress Check?


As you may know, unchecked, ongoing emotional stress can lead to detrimental health conditions, such high blood pressure, being overweight, heart disease, and more.

Unfortunately, many of us allow a heavy buildup of resentments, worries, sadness and other undesirable emotions to accumulate in within us, despite the damage that these stressful emotions are capable of creating.

In fact, the Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report (conducted in 2018) found that 55% of Americans surveyed experienced stress to great extent during the day and 45% reported they often worry during the day. 

Our emotions can play a large role in the functions of our bodies, especially when it comes to warding off – and even healing – debilitating diseases and conditions. (See the  free video, featured on the 12th Annual Tapping Summit, to hear Lissa Rankin, M.D. discuss eye-opening research findings on stress and the health benefits of reducing it.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT / EFT Tapping) is a powerful, easy-to-do, self-help strategy for relieving stress. 

When to Do an EFT Stress Check


So, when is it particularly important that you do EFT?

Many people often forget to use EFT during crises, when making urgent decisions, or at any other moment of heightened stress; when it is needed most! However, a daily stress check with EFT works as a preventive measure to prepare yourself for the day ahead; whatever it may bring, and can help you unwind from any residual stresses of your day.

The Morning Stress Check


Reasonably, soon after you wake up, is an ideal time to do a “Stress Check.” Many people like to do it when brushing their teeth or showering because it’s a common “first thing in the morning” routine. However, it can be done while eating breakfast, getting into your car or onto public transportation, or to anything else that you do on a regular basis early in the morning.

An EFT Stress Check is easy to do. It simply involves bringing to mind one or more problems that are currently bothering you. When doing your stress check, ask yourself, “What is uppermost in my mind right now that is causing me at least some tension or stress? How distressed do I feel about it (on a 0 to 10 point scale)?” Then use EFT to clear any issue that turns up.

The issues you identify when answering these questions can consist of almost anything – something that is going wrong with your plans, a physical distress, a deadline which must be met, or whatever else may be causing tension for you. The point is to stop when you identify a troublesome issue and immediately create an EFT statement to deal with it.

Here are some examples of this plan in action:

Suppose an important plan of yours has gone awry and the situation isn’t going to pan out the way you expected it to. A useful EFT statement for this might be:

“Even though my plans have been upset, I choose to be aware of the things that are going right in my life.”

Or, if you’re annoyed at another person or situation, you might use:

“Even though this problem (or person) is bothering me, I choose to know exactly how to handle (him/her/it).”

Or, if you’re not feeling up to par you might use:

“Even though I have this pain (distress etc.), I choose to know that it will pass (or – I choose to obtain really helpful treatment from a health professional).”

Statements such as the above place a positive EFT Choice at the end of the EFT statement (this is the EFT Choices Method). You can use the EFT default phrase at the end of the statement if you wish (e.g. “I deeply and completely accept myself ”) or the Choices Method default statement, “I choose to be calm and confident.”

The point of the Stress Check is to a bring your stress level down to as close to a 0 or 1 as you can by using EFT. Then, ask yourself, “What else is bothering me somewhat (or a lot) today?”

This second question may well bring up other issues to tap on. If you don’t have time to tap right away on your next issue, write an EFT statement for it in a notepad, or note-keeping app for your mobile device, and tap on it later in the day.

You can also use an all-purpose EFT phrase after you do your Stress Check. This can be particularly useful when you don’t identify anything that is particularly disturbing to you, because it can prepare you to cope during the day ahead. Here are two all-purpose preparatory statements that can be especially useful:

“Even though I don’t know what today will bring, I choose to be calm and confident and handle whatever happens.”

Or, “Even though I don’t know what today will bring, I choose to use EFT successfully to handle whatever comes up.”

Wind Down Your Day with an EFT Stress Check


Your Stress Check need not be done only at the beginning of your day. It can be very helpful to conduct a Stress Check just before you go to bed at night to clear lingering issues from the day, and doing a Stress Check one or more times during the day can be an excellent way to bring down your stress build-up on a particular day. When you do frequent Stress Checks, you will tend to become more effective in all aspects of your life.

Actually, if there were one single thing you can do to ensure that you use EFT with maximum benefit on a daily basis it is to institute a Stress Check. This simple activity can be extremely effective in calling your attention to your need for EFT.  It will probably help you use EFT in a much more effective manner than you have before.

How to Do an EFT Stress Check

  • Be in a comfortable place and quietly bring to mind one or more issues that are concerning you.
  • When you identify a troublesome issue stop immediately and create an EFT statement to deal with it.
  • Tap on this statement and bring your stress level down as close to a 0 or 1 as you can by using EFT.
  • Notice any other troublesome issues and tap them down too, now or later.

Remember to do a Stress Check first thing in the morning, before you go to bed at night, or any time during the day when tension starts to build up.

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