How to Do Surrogate EFT Tapping

How to Do Surrogate TappingI regularly receive questions from readers asking how to use surrogate tapping with EFT. In effect “proxy tapping,” where one person taps for another person, animal or plant, is a most interesting topic about which we know relatively little at this point, but which nevertheless holds considerable … Continue reading

Use EFT to “Listen” to Your Pain and Promote Healing

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

In my book, “Multiply the Power of EFT,” I have described some new ways in which you can deal with pain by using EFT.

Today, I will talk about what I call “giving loving attention” to your pain by doing EFT, and how this can work to alleviate the pain and sometimes to effect actual healing of its underlying cause.

This … Continue reading

Solving the Mystery of Borrowing Benefits in EFT

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

I was recently reminded of the remarkable effects of the EFT tactic that Gary Craig calls “Borrowing Benefits”. He was telling about an experience he recalled from an EFT conference in Chicago several years ago.

This was the first time Gary had introduced this technique to an audience so large, some 500 plus attendees, so he had been careful to give particularly detailed instructions to them.  … Continue reading

Things That Can Happen After A Tapping Session

by Gene Monterastelli

I have found meridian tapping (of which EFT is an important form) to be a very powerful tool. I have used it to clean up a number of deep emotional issues, but have noticed a number of unusual sensations after doing a session.

Sometimes I am really tired after a tapping session, while other times I feel actually more distressed than when I started but after that … Continue reading