Memorial Service Outline




Harmonic EFT: Beyond the Wall:
Hear Tapping with Pat to the Music of Mark Romero Audio

Beyond the Wall Lyrics


We’d like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the many, many messages of love, remembrance, and condolences from those at the service, via emails, and social media messages.  

Pat’s Life in Pictures PDF


Hear Pat’s favorite realm of music, by Saggio, and what she had to say about it


“I love music that carries me away with long haunting tones, as for example musical pieces using the Native American flute that seem to cry out in the wilderness – as in the flute music of the inimitable Saggio — songs from the heart and the skies. I don’t care for music that is made from formulas. It’s got to be true to its own special self and speak directly to me.” P. Carrington

Sometimes a single creative contribution brought to us by one individual can have such a powerful impact on us that it becomes a lodestone — a central support in our life.The native American flute improvisation by Saggio, The Thunder of Silence, has played this role for me. It has resulted in a remarkable experience every time I have played it over the past 10 years. The piece seems to be a haunting communication brought directly to me. I hesitate to call it “music” because it seems to be a call from across a great distance, a plaintive moan and cry from the soul of the human race expressing its deepest longings. This plea literally speaks (talks) to a part of me that knows exactly what it is saying — because it remembers…” (Pat’s review of this music, written in 2011)




Hear Dr. Pat’s last formal interview with Steve Carter

(Steve, a dear friend of Pat’s, has a wealth of related insight and information at his website)



Patricia Carrington’s Flagship Products



Our precious friend, teacher, and adviser, Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., departed from this world on Oct. 19, 2019 of natural causes, passing peacefully, gracefully, and blessed, into her next journey.

Pat was born in NYC, to George and Elaine Carrington, on July 1, 1924, and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. She is survived by her niece, Daisy Carrington and her wife, Laura, and her grand-nephew, Bruno Carrington.

In 1954, she married psychoanalyst, Harmon S. Ephron, M.D. Over nearly a decade, they published numerous papers together that made significant contributions to the study of REM sleep and dreaming, the use of meditation as an adjunct to psychoanalysis, and technical approaches to psycho-therapeutic interventions.

Pat began her private practice in 1969 as a licensed psychologist, specializing in behavioral therapy, psycho-dynamic psychotherapy, and cognitive therapy.  

However, her unfettered curiosity, creativity, and determination to help heal her clients more thoroughly and quickly, led her to explore, study, and test a variety of less conventional modalities (at the time) and she eventually incorporated relaxation training, visualization, guided imagery, and neurolinguistic programming into her practice.

In 1977, she wrote her first book, Freedom in Meditation, published by Doubleday Publishing. It was also published in German by Scherz-Verlag for a number of years, and again published under the title The Book of Meditation, by Element Books, in the UK, with over 80,000 copies distributed. It was finally published by her.

Ultimately, it became a classic in the field of modern meditation techniques and was recognized as the most authoritative book of its time on the clinical use of meditation, and remains a “timeless” contribution to its field.

In 1978, Pat developed her popular Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM) program, published as Learning to Meditate: Clinically Standardized Meditation Self-Regulated Course, along with the CSM Instructor’s Kit (for professionals), by Element Books, in the UK, with nearly 100,000 copies sold.

In 1989, the CSM program was revised and re-titled, The Learn to Meditate Kit, a learn-at-home, step-by-step instruction in CSM, again published by her company. The hard copy manuals and audio tapes of all three publications were digitized in 2011 and remain available.

For over a decade, Pat articulately presented numerous academic seminars on the value of meditation in clinical practice, travelling across the U.S. and into Canada. Her efforts helped lead the way to bringing meditation into the Western world, and into the homes of thousands of people.

But, Pat didn’t stop there. Because she was an insatiable seeker of new modalities to use in her practice, she discovered EFT and traveled with Gary Craig (founder of EFT) assisting him with seminars and introducing her EFT Choices Method to practitioners around the world.

Her How to Create Positive Choices in Energy Psychology: Choices Training Manual, later entitled EFT Choices Manual: Introducing the Positive into EFT, was published in 2001 and is her most influential contribution to the field of Energy Psychology. Derived from her work as a psychologist, her EFT Choices Method greatly extended the value of the basic EFT protocol to practitioners and individuals, worldwide.

Also in 2001, she received an award from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Performance in Research in the Energy Psychology Field. She was very proud and honored to receive that award.

In 2003, Pat co-authored the first research study on EFT that was published in a major scientific journal, along with Steve Wells, Kathryn Polglase, and Henry B. Andrews.

Pat considered her EFT Choices Method to be the most revolutionizing healing protocol of her practice, because its effectiveness was often swift and permanent. Unlike conventional psychotherapy, which can take years to bring about results, sometimes never fully successfully, she was driven to share her knowledge with other healing practitioners and beginners far and wide.

After closing her physical NYC office, she continued to practice from home, via telephone consultations, until 2018. For Pat, age was never a deterrent. She used to say she wanted to live to be 100… She almost did!

Patricia Carrington is revered by many, many people around the world for her blithe spirit, her intellect, kindness, helpfulness, and generosity. She will be deeply missed…  


The Future of Pat’s Work

This site will continue to be updated and will continue to be a place in the world where you can find stress-relieving help, insight, and healing. There are some exciting new, and derivative, projects in the works that were in progress before Pat’s decline in health.  So, “Stay tuned!” as dear Pat would say.

May you flow in peace and harmony, dearest Pat….

“The idea of breaking out of our usual ways of doing things to a higher level of living has created in me a passion for helping others dance along this path with me, discovering who they are.”
Patricia Carrington, Ph.D



With deep gratitude for the kind and heartfelt messages received from so many people directly, and indirectly,

The Staff


Professional Credentials

Professional Publications

Colloquial Seminars on Meditation


  1. I was blessed and enriched by listening live to Pat’s memorial. Thank you, to all, who contributed to honouring Pat’s life and work. She was a gentle giant in her field.

  2. i just wanted to thank you so much for having this replay.

    pat was a special entity….i fell blessed to have had many
    opportunities to experience her on the internet.

    thank you again.

  3. Choices forever changed the way I did EFT, and moreover, managing daily thoughts or emotions. What do I want instead? Reminding us that we always have choice….are always free…to think and feel differently, is powerful medicine.

    Thank you Pat Carrington. I never met you, but your echos of your love and genius still reverberate in my life…as I listen to the flute “music”, doing just that.

  4. dear pat devotes
    i enjoyed pats drive ,focus and dedication to eft and energy psychology. i listened to many of her talks, she contributed to my life.
    thanks pat and all that knew her
    norm mcvea

  5. My dear Pat,. Our lives touched briefly,. Yet every second connecting with you was so healing for me. Our development of my crazy idea of TappyBear was such a playfull endeavor that while we connected on a weekly basis for many months, each call was filled with your wisdom and love. It has been almost 10 years since then, and I can only say THANK YOU from the deepest depths of my soul. As you know, I am still going at it with Tapping and leading a strong wave for more professionalism in this field. Your words still carry in my mind, playfully was your word with which you dispelled many of my biggest fears. Thank you for everything. I am sure you are received with great celebrations.

  6. Although I never met Pat in person, she was such a loving presence in my online world. I looked forward to her emails and hearing her fresh positive perspective on life and healing. Pat was such an amazing generous spirit who truly gave her best to the world. Rest in peace dear Pat. Thank you for all you shared with us.

  7. She was an amazing person! So sorry to hear it. I hope to make it to the service either in person or on line. I will let you know as it gets closer if I can be there in person. xo

    • Hello Laura, and thank you so much for your kind condolences. We are planning an online video memorial. It is tentatively set for the 10th of Nov., as she has family coming from CA. We intend for it to be recorded and if that works out good, we will make the recorded event available, after the service. So, no need to travel. 🙂

  8. I never had the pleasure if meeting with Pat in person but her love for helping people came through her unstoppable energy. You didn’t have to be with her to feel it.
    Even though her physical body my be departed her work will still reflect her energy and passion for many generations to come.

  9. What a beautiful contribution to the life of Pat. She blessed this world and many of those that are touched by her being here. She will be remembered in our quiet moments of a gentle breeze or watching the dancing flight of a butterfly as the beautiful contributing soul that blessed the best of humanity.

  10. I had the pleasure of meeting Pat Carrington in 2004 or 2005 at an EFT seminar in Boston. Then I discovered that my mom had taken a meditation class with Pat in the mid 1970’s! I grew up just outside of Princeton. It is such a small world! Pat’s “Choices” technique has certainly revolutionized EFT. She was a bright light and an inspiration, and she will be missed!

  11. She taught me so much with EFT ❗️

  12. I sent Ms. Pat a birthday greeting on her 90th, stating that I was starting a new business at age 67 and she was my “shero” and inspiration. She wrote back that she thought I should go for it. Paraphrased, she said “no one expects you to do anything after 60, so you are free to do as you wish!”. At 71 and still sharing tapping with my world, I am so appreciative for all her support! Bon voyage and thank you!

  13. Your bio of her life was very special and ending it with her favorite song was a true blessing. I love her quote to embrace the higher level of living and be passionate to help others dance with joy. She made this a better place and our world surely needs her life work. I will continue to be blessed with her Choices EFT that I purchased and the interviews I saved of her voice speaking of aging gracefully.

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