Distance Healing, Intention, and Surrogate EFT

world, peace dove, distant healing, surrogate eft for world peace image

What is Surrogate EFT?


Over the years, there have been many reported successes by people using surrogate EFT. It refers to using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on behalf of another person (or animal) to alleviate an emotional or physical issue. This can be done in the presence of the other being or at a distance; as in distant healing.

On Distance Healing 


Accounts of distant healing (distance or remote healing) have been documented in journals of early travelers, taught, and practiced in some of the oldest religions. The phenomenon has been contemplated, reviewed, and studied by archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, scholars, philosophers, psychologists, and scientists.

Among other definitions, “distant (or distance) healing encompasses spiritual healing, prayer, and their various derivatives, and has been defined as a conscious, dedicated act of mentation (the highest level of mental activity) attempting to benefit another person’s physical or emotional well being at a distance” [1]

In some early medical literature, there is reference to the role of a distance healing “gift” among medicine men in indigenous groups. “The Tla-guill-augh or man of supernatural gifts (medicine man), is supposed to be capable of throwing his good or bad medicine, without regard to distance, on whom he will attempt to kill or cure by magic at his pleasure.” [2]

The existence of distance healing has long been associated with the religious practice of Shamanism, whereby a Shaman practitioner attains “altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with what they believe to be a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.” [3]

Until recently, research into the clinical efficacy (positive therapeutic effects) of distant healing has been very difficult, if not impossible, to prove.

For instance, distant healing is an element of the professed power of group prayer. However, much of the research studies show little to no clinical efficacy of prayer. While research has fallen short of finding positive results, some scholars rightly contend that vital aspects of study designs were not adequately addressed. Several reviews and conclusions of distant healing research have pointed out this fact.

“From a scientific perspective, if prayer is indeed considered to work, thought should also be given to the possibility that it may not require a deity. It may, instead, invoke some hitherto unidentified mental energy that has healing power.”[4] 

Furthermore, “No intention study, whether it involves intercessory prayer or some other variety of therapeutic intent, should be conducted without careful consideration of observer effects as part of the protocol, and we believe it should be extended to all research exploring non-local consciousness with any protocol” [5]

An important 2006 study, which was widely overlooked in its time, by Jeannie Achterberg, et.al involved the use of healers who practiced various protocols of distant healing, such as Reiki, Shamanic healing, Healing Touch, Hawaiian Pule (prayer), and Qigong, and it employed fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to indicate results.

The study “demonstrated that distant intentionality (DI), defined as sending thoughts at a distance, is correlated with an activation of certain brain functions in the recipients….  (and) …In summary, these findings support previous research on distant healing suggesting that human intentions may directly affect others in ways that are not entirely understood.” [6]

Additionally, some related, eyebrow-raising, research on distance healing was referenced in a review of research [7] in DMILS (Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems). From a healing perspective DMILS can be seen as a research paradigm of the very mechanism underlying a distant healing process. [8]

A 2008 study “looked at retrieving effects in the autonomic nervous system of an individual who received intentional mental acts by another person. In other words, a “sender” was instructed to direct his or her intention towards a “receiver” who was located in a distant shielded room. The researchers identified significant modifications in the receivers’ skin conductance, suggesting the existence of a correlation between a person’s intentions and another person’s autonomic nervous system’s activation, measured as receivers’ increase in skin conductance” [9].

Similar experiments in distant healing have been conducted in regards to mass meditations, primarily the studies involved some accounts of Transcendental Meditation in group events with intentions for Peace. Though specific details on the actual meditation protocols that the meditators engaged in during the studies is ambiguous (there are similarities and differences between meditation and prayer), data suggested that there was a positive impact.

One unifying element that appears to be prominent in distance healing is – intent, strong intent – while “tapping” into one’s energy field, by whatever the sender’s chosen means, to project positive energy and thoughts toward another’s body of energy.

Whether casting intention to communicate with another person, heal another, or bring about change in the world, surrogate EFT Tapping is another energy-based avenue toward that goal.

Dr. Carrington casually expressed this notion years ago with the following simple guidelines on tapping to influence world leaders, and oneself, when crisis arises. 

Surrogate and Self Tapping Phrases for World Issues


Some people have suggested that doing surrogate EFT tapping for world leaders might he helpful in stemming the tide of fear, chaos, corruption, deprivation, environmental issues, the war mentality, or many other negative situations around the world.

We may be able to help both ourselves and others if we use EFT in either of two ways — one is using surrogate (proxy) tapping for world leaders, the other is to create a more balanced, healthy and constructive attitude in ourselves with respect to any situations, wherever you might live.

Here are some suggestions for using the EFT Choices Method with both of these approaches. Actually, if you elect to do surrogate tapping, know that it is often very beneficial for the tapper to truly believe it can work. The degree of peace that you are able to generate within yourself will be what radiates outwards to affect the recipient of the surrogate tapping, or people directly around you, who may need a comforting sense of inner peace.

So, let’s start with you… Here are my suggestions for an EFT set-up phrase that may help you cope with a world crises situation.

“Even though there is war occurring in the world, I choose to feel a surprising peace within myself.”

Other possible Choices to use at the end of the same set-up phrase might be:

“…I choose to feel peaceful and hopeful, no matter what happens.”

“…I choose to be inwardly calm and confident, no matter what happens.”

“…I choose to think of small creative ways I can be of help with this crisis each day.”

Or, (if your belief system supports this), you might say:

“I choose to trust in God’s will (a Divine plan, the Universe, etc.) and know there is a reason for the present situation that I do not understand.”

If you prefer to create a set-up phrase that is more general in nature, you might create this type of phrase:

“Even though crisis is occurring in the world, I choose peace for all living beings.”

When creating Choices for others, as in surrogate EFT tapping, a somewhat different type of wording from the above is required.

Typically, it is generally unwise to seek to change the BEHAVIOR of another person or group when doing such tapping. Much more productive is an attempt to help them heal the fears, doubts or defensiveness that may have prevented them from creating peaceful and harmonious solutions to international problems.

If you accept the premise that surrogate tapping is a form of communication between the tapper and the person (or group) tapped for, you can understand how attempts to change behavior (a form of forcing) might be resented by the receiver and therefore not work, or might even be counterproductive.

If, in the wording of your Choices you offer leaders, or others in power, an inner calm and a sense of security, which may lead to clear-minded decisions, you will be giving them something very positive.

For example, a set-up phrase for this purpose might be:

“Even though we are engaged in war/chaos (wherever that might be occurring), I choose to envision that those people in power experience the safety and desirability of peace.”

If you make this kind of Choice, however, realize that such general statements often fail to register with any precision in communication between human beings, and we might speculate that they may not be as effective as specific, intentional Choices. Being specific always increases the effectiveness of a Choice, and you might try, instead, some more specific phrases such as the following:

“…I choose to see people everywhere allowed to have fulfilling, meaningful, and peaceful lives.” Or,

“…I choose to see our world leaders institute new and effective ways to ensure the happiness and security of people everywhere.” Or,

“…I choose to see truly meaningful and effective peace negotiations commence between the major nations of _________________________.”

If you decide to use EFT, perhaps with surrogate tapping, in response to world situations, use whatever tapping regime feels right to you, and above all, be persistent and hold strong intent. Repetition on a daily basis may be one of the most important factors in the success of what you are attempting to accomplish, so your goal will be best served if you put aside a small amount of time each day for EFT “Peace Tapping.”

To make your EFT Choices even more effective, you can create EFT cards/notes to carry with you for use at various times throughout the day. Review the cards/notes while you are waiting in line somewhere, or at any other time when you find a pause in your day’s activities. To do this, you can use a note-taking mobile app, or  3″ by 5″ index cards. On each separate card/note write a single set-up phrase and then read these at various times during the day, but the most important times are at bedtime and again upon awakening. 

Just as people gather to engage in mass prayer and mass meditation for a specific intent, consider gathering like-minded family and friends to engage in some “Intention Tapping” on whatever world issues concern you.

The Power of Intention for Peace and Love


Some notable experiments, such as the fascinating 9/11 Peace Intention Experiment, by Lynne McTaggart, suggest that if large enough numbers of people hold collective intention on the same positive goal, doing so may bring surprising results.  Lynne also wrote about Intending for the Enemy, which discusses The Love Study and the implications of intention on interpersonal relationships; an interesting read!


  1. Sicher F, Targ E, Moore D 2d, Smith HS. A randomized double-blind study of the effect of distant healing in a population with advanced AIDS. West J Med. 1998;
  2. The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art: A Popular History of Medicine in All Ages and Countries. Edward Berdoe, 1983 
  3. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamanism
  4. Prayer and healing: A medical and scientific perspective on randomized controlled trials Chittaranjan Andrade, Professor of Psychopharmacology and Rajiv Radhakrishnan, Research Officer, Indian J Psychiatry. 2009 Oct-Dec 
  5. Nonlocality, Intention, and Observer Effects in Healing Studies: Laying a Foundation for the Future September 2010,EXPLORE The Journal of Science and Healing
  6. Evidence for Correlations Between Distant Intentionality and Brain Function in Recipients: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis. Achterberg, Jeanne & Cooke, Karin & Richards, Todd & Standish, Leanna & Kozak, Leila & Lake, James. (2006). Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.).  11. 965-71.
  7. Direct mental interactions with living systems (DMILS), May 2003, in Healing, Intention and Energy Medicine, pp.23-38
  8. Distant Healing Intention Therapies: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence, Dean Radin, PhD, corresponding author Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, and Christopher Baur, Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov; 4(Suppl): 67–71.
  9. Gioacchino Pagliaro., et al. Efficacy and Limitations of Distant Healing Intention: A Review Article”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 7.9 (2018): 632-636



  1. What a wise and wonderful legacy Dr Carrington has left us. I thank you for keeping her work available in this marvellous website. love peace and light to all of us.

  2. I am very grateful to you for such a fascinating, well researched and documented article. It is so positive, inspiring, progressive, and just what we need now. I have done this kind of work myself quite a while ago, alas, it has totally rusted from misuse. This is yet another unifying tool for so much good; ranging from the current pandemic to any issue that would help us evolve into more enlightened human beings.
    I am sure that dear Dr.Pat Carrington would have been very proud and glad for her name to be associated with your sterling work.
    Again, thank you so much.

    • Thank you so very much, Basia! That warms my heart very much. I found the research quite fascinating and I believe Pat would have been intrigued, as well. She originally wrote the tapping segment in response to the 9/11 event and in much different times.
      However, I felt it might work for other troubling events around the world.
      Thus, my curiosity led me to more on the subject than I could have anticipated, with surprising findings!
      I modified the original tapping script, just a bit, to keep it evergreen.

      With much gratitude for your input,
      Lynn 🙂

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