What If You Don’t Have a Plan B?

Rev. Karen Kushner of the Center for Spiritual Living in Princeton, NJToday, I’d like to share a unique and inspiring presentation given by Reverend Karen Kushner, Pastor of the nontraditional Center for Spiritual Living in Princeton, New Jersey. I attend the Center’s services and on Sunday, May 7, she discussed an unusually transformational and challenging concept.

She records her Sunday talks and this particular 35-minute talk moved me so much that I requested her permission to share it with you. Typical of her generous spirit, she is delighted to have you hear it.

This presentation replay is packed with truly inspiring thoughts. In my opinion, it is right on the mark, and because of that, I was inspired to create a number of EFT Choices to supplement it.

These principles, should you choose to have them do so, can become part of a very new and comforting way of living – and bring you much more “into the present.”

I suggest you first listen to Rev. Karen’s talk (click the audio player below) and then if you are interested in these ideas and want to explore their principles further, that you return here and try out my daily EFT Choices (below) for them.

If you don’t practice EFT, these Choices affirmations also work beautifully if you say them out loud without any tapping. This type of affirmation is very different from the traditional affirmation that does not introduce the factor of “choice” at all, yet making Choices are one of the most powerful ways we can possibly influence our lives.

(To listen click on start arrow)

(Click here to Download Audio)

Choices to Accompany Reverend Karen’s talk


1. For when you face an important undertaking:

I choose to give the best shot conceivable (go all out for) this undertaking. 

2. To shift the emphasis of your thinking away from compulsive planning:

 I choose to live completely and totally every single day as though it were the beginning and the end of time.

3. To shift the emphasis of your life away from postponement:

I choose to not put my real life on hold.

4. To trust that which is as yet unknown:

 I choose to have faith in this “uncertified” (“unguaranteed”) result.

5. To move away from needing a Plan B:

I choose to give myself fully to my plan A – no backup necessary.

6. To cut through your inner objections and move away from using fear as your main motivation:

I choose to follow my dream with excitement and burn my ship behind me.

If you have any Choices affirmations to add to this list or any comments you’d like to make with respect to this “no plan B” discussion, just leave your comment below and I will request Rev. Karen responds to your remarks along with me.



One Comment:

  1. Hello
    I found by chance your website and the 2017 audio presentation given by Reverend Karen Kushner, Pastor of the nontraditional Center for Spiritual Living in Princeton, New Jersey.
    I have been living this way for years because of my marriage and seeming to make poor decisions, or decisions where faith has failed. I am not sure if you want to call it faith, but I believe this is what the reverend is referring to, and is the focus.
    I continue this method of having backup plans, needing to have a way out if needed. Yes it is very dysfunctional and causes anxiety, especially if plan ‘b’ fails, or I dont have the courage to implement it.

    Thank you

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