Multiple Phobias Treated with EFT – 10-Year Follow-Up

There are times when nature seems to help us out by testing our EFT work to see whether it’s “for real.”  My experience with “Louise” was a prime example of this and also demonstrates the extraordinary lasting power of this approach.

When Louise originally consulted me it was for problems she had “leaving home.”  She was a highly competent executive in a major corporation, a large, rangy young woman with … Continue reading

Sneaking Up on a Problem with EFT

How to Sneak Up on Your Problem with EFT Tapping

One of the distinguishing features of EFT is its gentle nature when used correctly.  This is In sharp contrast to the harshness of such behavioral techniques as Exposure Therapy or Flooding, which expose a person to unbearably intense levels of the very thing they fear in an attempt to numb them, or immune them, to their feared “object”.  The latter … Continue reading

Using EFT for a Macho War Veteran

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

In this article, I’m going to describe how I used the Tearless Trauma Technique to help a Viet Nam veteran, “Tommy”, accept EFT, even though the standard EFT protocol might well have caused reactions in him, which would have run counter to his Self Image.  In that event, he would likely have refused to participate in the treatment.

As you will see, although Tommy was able … Continue reading

The Spread of EFT Telephone Therapy

By Dr. Patricia Carrington

If you are wondering.  “Where can I possibly find an EFT therapist where I live?” –– or if you are an EFT practitioner –– you will be interested in my answer to this question.

If you are in a quandary about this, I suggest that you seriously consider telephone therapy with a qualified EFT practitioner, as the majority of EFT practitioners throughout the world now offer … Continue reading