Lessen the Turmoil of Feeling Overly Responsible


Do you, or have you, often put others first, at the expense of yourself and your own needs, even when it is not realistically necessary? Amazingly, many people do without even realizing that they do it. Yet, they often suffer undue stress, anxiety, depression, or conflict, as a result of doing so, without really connecting the dots. 


Aspects of Over-Responsibility

Under varying circumstances, children often grow up feeling that they are responsible for alleviating a parent’s suffering from traumatic experiences, addictions, and other situations in which a parent is emotionally unavailable to them. In these scenarios, a sense of needing to be overly responsible for others can silently seep into adulthood. 

There can be a range of aspects underlying why some people tend to feel an urgent sense of over-responsibility for others, to their own emotional detriment; and it is not uncommon.  Many early childhood experiences can inject on-going, whispering “self-talk” that compromises one’s sense of self-worth, enforces a need to be in control, or instills feelings of guilt, and other self-negating messages, which can bring about over-responsible behavior. 

So, how can we include ourselves in the scope of human rights so we are compassionate across the board; others and self, both?


Balancing Your Compassion

In this 3-part series, Dr. Carrington leads you in “tapping in” an entirely freeing way of dealing with this issue, which can be life changing. You will also “share benefits” during two very different tapping sessions with participants who express various aspects and dilemmas associated with feeling entrapped by over responsibility.

Discover how this newly compiled EFT Choices tapping series, with Dr. Pat, can help lessen the turmoil of feeling unnecessary over-responsibility for others, so you can experience a more balanced and happier life. Not only for yourself, but also for others around you, as you gain positive spin-offs from the tapping sessions.


What You Will Experience…


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Introduction and EFT Choices Exercises

In this introductory audio, Pat discusses one specific aspect of the need to feel overly responsible for others that is commonly rooted in childhood, and leads you through one round of an enlightening EFT Choices Trio exercise, and one simplified Choices sequence, while you “share benefits.” (Includes transcript)

Session: Daughter of WWII Parents

During this emotionally charged session, she conducts on-the-spot tapping rounds with a woman who experienced the need to feel overly responsible for “cheering up” her parents, during her childhood years, which led to various problems for her as an adult.  Through Dr. Pat’s masterful manner of devising Choices tapping statements, this woman experienced profound healing insight. (Includes transcript)

Session: Mother of Distressed Adult Son

This enthralling segment reveals the heart-wrenching story and struggle of a mother who is filled with uncertainty and conflict over taking her deeply depressed, 40-year old adult son into her care. As you listen, you may find yourself sharing some compelling benefits, while Dr. Pat weaves through some of the woman’s conflicts, crafting impromptu Choices statements, during their tapping interaction. (Includes transcript)

(The audios in this series, which are derived from one of Dr. Carrington’s past teleclasses, have been re-mastered, re-mixed, and transcribed.)


Plus a Basic Releasing Sample Exercise

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This audio segment, from Dr. Carrington’s Releasing audios, shares a simple exercise in how to Release negative feelings.


If you’re struggling with an overwhelming sense of responsibility that is stifling your happiness, this EFT Choices series can provide you with some deeply healing perspectives.


Get the Complete Package


Includes all three audio sessions (1 hr.) and transcripts, plus the Bonus Releasing Sample Exercise audio


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~ Or, Choose a Combination ~

Combination #1

ebook covers, mp3 covers on mobile, nature, feeling overly responsible self-help

Includes the Introduction and EFT Choices Tapping Exercises & Tapping with a Daughter of WWII Parents audios and transcripts.


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Combination #2

eBook covers, mp3 covers on smart phones, nature, eft choices for overly responsibility of adult son, self-help

Includes the Introduction and EFT Choices Tapping Exercises & Tapping with a Mother of Distressed Adult Son audios and transcripts.


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