EFT Snapshot Method for the Law of Attraction

Learn how you can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to facilitate the Law of Attraction.


How Our Minds Process Negative Events 


Hear a short audio clip of Dr. Carrington discussing how we process negative imagery from her EFT Snapshots teleclass:



  • EFT Snapshots Audio Clip Transcript

    (I call it) looping in our thoughts that occurs when we think about something undesirable or unpleasant and experience a sense of fear or resentment or futility about what we’re contemplating. We do it at many times, and we’ll talk about breaking into that cycle.

    This sets off a signal in our entire system. It’s like sending a search command to a computer. You can search for certain words in a document or a series of documents and instantly many documents that contain that word or relate to that topic are instantly called up by the computer, especially if you’re using Google Search. This is done by what we call a computer search. Of course, it’s very convenient when we’re searching the web and it’s also very close to the way the human mind operates. The human mind has managed to be pretty efficient over the years of evolution of our species. I’m not saying this is a bad thing; this is an essential thing, of course.

    This ability to conduct a computer search of the contents of our minds has certain disadvantages for us. Anytime we think of a negative thought, it sets of a negative search for similar negative feelings and thoughts. We have started the computer search for the negative. The computer search is so efficient, it will pull up literally thousands of examples and sort through them very rapidly, with amazing speed, and allow certain ones to come up to our consciousness, and that’s similar to having them appear on the screen of a computer and then we are rolling along in what I call a loop. I’ll give you an example.

    Suppose we hear about a natural disaster on TV and we see it reenacted in different ways every time we look at the TV that day. If it calls up in us an emotion of fear or imminent danger, the way some of these disasters most certainly do, then our central nervous system computer, some people call it the bio-computer, immediately institutes a search for examples of times when we felt the same way, in fear of imminent disaster. It’s going to do that; you’ve started a search. It’s a very efficient search. It’s probably more complete than any computer search which is presently available electronically. The human being is still a little bit ahead of the computer in this respect. We’re a little bit more sophisticated.

    So our computerized minds will bring up thousands of examples. Not all of them will show on the monitors which represent our conscious mind, because there’s only a small amount of space therein which to display our thoughts and recognize them. What happens is thousands of similar feelings of impending disaster, fear, doom, urgency, bewilderment, panic are called up. A certain number of them are going to come to mind and determine the course of our thinking in the next few minutes or the next few hours, or even the whole day. This is simply the law of association, which has been recognized by psychologists since the 1800’s. It’s a fundamental law of mental activity, although even now we often don’t realize its importance. It’s known and it’s tested many times.

    Because of each disturbing thought, it triggers off another similar thought and these in turn call up another group of similar disturbing thoughts and we’re spinning in a negative loop. The good news is that the same law of association, the mental / psychological law, can operate in a positive direction, which you also can realize. If we can somehow break into the negative loop and begin to experience, not just think or mouth the words but actually experience something that is positive and comforting and delightful, this process will begin to bring up thousands of similar positive memories. The next thoughts we think will tend to be positive ones, unless there’s a reason to be pulled back into the negative loop, and that can happen, of course.

    When we start thinking of what we want more of, what already exists that we want more of rather than what we want because we lack it, a positive loop commences. When we recognize that we have personally experienced something that we thoroughly enjoy and that we would like to repeat, this process will trigger other enjoyable and positive thoughts. This leads to something very special happening. We’re getting to the Snapshot Method because that is what it does, and I’ll show you how. We’re tapping into our own very real, firsthand experiences to set up a chain reaction which consists of similar memories and similar emotions and experiences which have evoked the same feeling in us.


The tapping “snapshot” method is a powerful way to transform our negative reactions to our lives, into positive energy and joy. Created by Dr. Carrington to help you attract exactly what you want, it can produce an about-face in your perspective on virtually any troubling issue. This shift can transform your energy radically with respect to whatever issue you are facing, daily troubles, relationships, and more to provide you with the ability to attract what you want effectively. You will be “broadcasting” the same energy of joy and fulfillment that you want to attract!  Dr. Carrington presents this unique method that gives you a complete description of this approach, together with several compelling energy exercises and chances to “Borrow Benefits.”


EFT Tapping Snapshots Method for use with the Law of Attraction


How to Make EFT ‘Snapshots Work for You (E-Book)

In the companion e-book to her EFT Snapshots Method audio, Dr. Carrington leads you step-by-step through a tapping session that converts a fear of something that you might resonate with; that of not having enough money for your needs (or perhaps anger or despair because you do not have it), to a buoyant feeling of having just the support and help from money that you want. This method literally transports you into a future where more than enough money is your reality and this about-face can attract to you an entirely new financial future. In learning to use this method with your finances, you learn how to transform your mood and perspective on virtually any other issue where you may want to apply the Law of Attraction.

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