How Tapping Relieved a Toothache

man with toothache reliefWhat is one of the most common types of pain almost all of us experience at some point in our lives? Toothaches! A toothache can quickly ratchet up to a 10 on a pain scale. And when it does, it can eclipse all other thoughts. You might assume that pain this acute and extreme would not respond to a technique as “soft” as meridian tapping, also known as EFT. However, toothache relief is one of the most frequent benefits reported  from the use of tapping. Here’s an experience that I encountered, which serves as just one testament to tapping for a toothache.

How I Saved a “Support Tech” from a Toothache


My computer had a meltdown (again!) and it was quite nearly nonfunctional. After much waiting on hold, I finally reached a friendly and knowledgeable tech support person. No sooner had I experienced the relief of connecting with someone who seemed to know how to fix my problem, he interrupted our session by announcing, “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I can continue with this. I have such bad pain in my wisdom tooth, I think I may have to quit for the day.”

Before he could get off the phone, I quickly informed him that I am a specialist in stress management and asked him if he would be willing to try a simple tapping technique based on acupuncture that is often very effective for tooth pain. “I’d try anything!” was his answer.

I then instructed him where to tap and had him repeat the phrase, “Even though I have this severe pain, I choose to have my jaw and teeth feel normal and comfortable.” The Choices  Method, which I was employing here, seemed the ideal approach to use with a stranger, whom I’d just met on the phone, because sometimes the self-acceptance statements in the traditional form of EFT can throw off skeptics and  newcomers.

I then led him through one entire tapping sequence. After a complete round, when I asked him to check his wisdom tooth pain, he said with a note of surprise in his voice, “Well – actually, it’s better.”

I then led him through another round of tapping, at the end of which, I again inquired about the pain intensity. There was a several-second silence at the other end of the phone. Then he said, in an incredulous tone, “This is awesome!” It’s much better.” His pain was about a 3 on the 0-10 point scale of intensity.

We did one more round of tapping, which I explained to him was so that we could be sure his pain relief had a good chance of lasting. He tapped a round once more at my request and at the end of it he said about the pain, “I can hardly notice it now,” and exclaimed once more, “This is awesome!”

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He felt he  didn’t need any more tapping and cheerfully resumed his tech support session with me (to my relief!). A  half hour later, when he had completely resolved my computer problem – he was an excellent technician – he was preparing to wind down the call and I said, “Just to check on where you’re at, how does your wisdom tooth feel now?”

“To tell the truth,” he answered rather apologetically, “I’d forgotten about it.” This is a familiar response of someone who has been doing meridian tapping. I instructed him on how to tap at home, if he needed it again, and that ended the incident. He simply muttered, “Awesome…” again, as he ended the call.

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