How People Use EFT Tapping

how people use eft image, arrows with topicsSome years ago, when Emotional Freedom Techniques was quickly evolving as a valuable self-help method, we created two online research surveys on how people do, and use, EFT tapping. We set-up a stand-alone survey program, which was an open source program and quite sophisticated for its time.

Respondents to both surveys included people just beginning to use EFT, people who used EFT regularly, and practitioners; Practitioners of EFT, other fields of Energy Psychology/Energy Healing, and workers in various health-related fields. (Note: All responses and comments were anonymous.)

The first, shorter, survey explored how people do EFT Tapping in regards to using their hands (or not), and about certain tapping points. To our amazement, 605 people responded to that survey and also shared hundreds of detailed comments! 

The second survey (results below) queried how frequently, or infrequently, people used EFT for specific issues, and for others, both personally and professionally. The first survey was partially analyzed and briefly summarized shortly after it’s completion.

However, due to the massive number of comments submitted between the two separate surveys, a full reporting was never completed; until now.

The data for both surveys was recently found in the Carrington Archives, compiled, and reviewed. The following results are presented here in pie charts, a table chart, some short summaries and numerous participant comments.


How People Use EFT Tapping Survey Results

There were 278 respondents who participated in this survey. 45% of the respondents also used EFT in a professional capacity. In a conditional portion of the survey, these respondents were asked to share the frequency with which they used EFT for the same set of issues, but in the context of their professional work. 

Part 1: Personal Use of EFT

Part 2: Professional Use of EFT (Plus Related Studies)


Note: In this survey, comments were allowed in general, and not specifically required for each individual application of EFT, therefore any comments related to specific issues were gleaned from the overall comments and many are included in this report.


Primary Question: When using EFT for yourself, with what frequency do you use EFT to address each of the applications below.


EFT for Allergies

eft for allergies survey results

As the numbers indicate, using EFT for allergies by people, personally, is not extremely common. However, 36% of people do use it often or sometimes, collectively. Because allergies are often caused by sensitivities and reactions to substances unknown to an individual, one might suspect that tapping may be limited to the symptoms, only, with the true cause remaining as a mysterious “culprit.”

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EFT for Depression

eft for depression survey results pie chart

When it comes to using EFT for depression by individuals doing EFT on their own, the results are basically spit 50-50 between often/sometimes and rarely/never. 

Comments on using EFT for depression:

“I find that when I feel depressed, even though I know it works so well, I cannot bring myself to do EFT.”

“I have never used it for depression as when I am in a depressed state, I will not do anything for myself in the way of therapy.”

“I would use EFT for depression but I would have to have a Doctor referral.”

“I have found that EFT works exceptionally well for depression”

“Present emotional states (including depression) sometimes just to clear the moment, sometimes connecting that emotional state to previous associated experiences.”

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EFT for Fears / Phobias

eft for fears, phobias, survey results pie chart

Not unsurprisingly, a great number of people use EFT for their fears or phobias; 82% of respondents used EFT for these issues often, or sometimes, collectively.


Comments on Using EFT for Fears and Phobias:

“Since knowing EFT (7 months) I never used it for fears or phobias, because, for most of them, I have a strong psychological reversal. I don’t try to do EFT because I’m almost 100% sure it won’t work; probably so, because keeping some of them make me feel safe.” 

“Because I use EFT often, I have experienced my fear and intense dislike of snakes and maggots has disappeared, even though I have not worked on this specifically, (it seems to be) a borrowed benefit without me realizing it.”

“I have found that EFT works exceptionally well for fears/phobias.”

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EFT for Issues from the Past

eft for past issues, trauma, accidents, abuse, survey results pie chart

Unremarkably, 85% of respondents used EFT, personally, for past issues often, or at least sometimes.

Why is this result unremarkable? Well, at the heart of Emotional Freedom Techniques lies the goal to “dig through” traumatic moments, situations, and events that continue to hold negative energy in our very being. Whether since childhood, or in more recent situations, our past experiences and perceptions of those experiences can often greatly hinder our lives.

EFT has a long history of helping people move beyond their past issues to find enlightenment, peace, healing, and, moreover, encouragement to not allow the past to define their persona, their thoughts, or behavior. Blocks to self-growth and healing, caused by past issues, can often disintegrate with EFT for life-changing results.


Comments on Using EFT for Past Issues:

“Personally EFT has been most useful (and elegant) in resolving remnants of past traumas that still remained after psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.”

“Mainly (I use EFT) for limiting emotions (unworthiness, anger, etc) associated with past trauma.”

“I use EFT often for emotional issues which crop up in my life. This may result in tapping on past issues.”

“I have been using EFT for about 3 months with some fabulous results! Some ‘Issues From the Past’ that were over 22 years old are gone!! Thank you.”

“As issues arise, I use EFT. The more I resolve, the more I find to resolve.  Mainly, as issues arise in my mind, usually related to past events, I tap, tap, tap!”

“I love how easy and multi-applicable EFT is!  My use of it is healing deep past issues and transforming my life!  Thank You!”

“I use EFT for everything that bothers me (including) past issues.”

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EFT for Performance Anxiety

emotional freedom techniques, eft, for performance anxiety, blocks pie chart


Similarly to some of the other survey results here, a predominant number of people use EFT for performance anxiety and blocks, with over 70% using EFT often, or sometimes, for this common issue. In many ways, a question of performance can be quite subjective, specific, or varied. 


Comments on using EFT for Performance Anxiety:

“One area that I focus on is improving my meditation performance, e.g: ‘Even though my mind and body are restless when I meditate, I choose for them to be perfectly still and content when I meditate.’ It seems to be helping.”

“I have found that EFT works well with performance issues.”

“I use it a great deal for performance enhancement and to improve range of movement.”

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EFT for Pain

eft for pain survey results pie chart

It’s been no secret that Emotional Freedom Techniques can be helpful for pain. Aside from the multitude of reports on the beneficial use of EFT for pain, these survey results revealed its “often and sometimes” use, collectively, for pain was indicated by 84% of the respondents.


Comments on using EFT for Pain:

“For muscle cramps at night in my calves, thighs and toes. This seems to help shorten the time it takes for the muscles to release and also seems to lessen the pain involved.”

“Swelling in the leg.”

“Multiple Sclerosis”


“Chronic health issues/physical ailments/pain”

“I use EFT frequently for first aid. Recently for a burn and turned ankle.”

“I tend to find chronic pain is a message rather than an object itself. By tapping for the message I usually resolve the “pain issue” successfully.”

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EFT for Sleep

eft for sleep survey pie chart

While many respondents (62%) indicated that they used EFT for sleep problems, often or sometimes, collectively, there were not many comments regarding the use of it for this issue; only a few were submitted.


Comments on using EFT for Sleep Problems:

“The “sleep problems” I tap for sometimes are my husband’s snoring!”

“I find it superb for insomnia.”

“I do not have trouble sleeping, no sleep problems.”

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Summary of the Personal Use of EFT (Often/Sometimes)

  1. Past Issues – 85%
  2. Pain – 84%
  3. Fears / Phobias – 82%
  4. Performance Anxiety / Blocks – 73%
  5. Sleep – 62%
  6. Allergies – 56%
  7. Depression – 50%

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EFT for Other Issues

using eft for others survey results pie chart


In addition to using EFT for, allergies, depression, fears and/or phobias, past issues, performance anxiety, pain, and sleep problems, respondents had an option of sharing what other issues they address with EFT tapping. There were over 120 helpful comments and the applications are fascinating! 


Comments on Using EFT for “Other” issues:

12 comments – Anger, being angry

11 comments – Addictions – Cravings: Weight loss, reduce eating, binge eating, overeating, cravings, smoking

10 comments – Physical issues: Heart symptoms, palpitations, and irregularities, raising hemoglobin level, reducing blood pressure, IBS*, rashes, a skin tag, vision/eyes, hearing, jet lag

8 comments – Anxious, anxiety, nervousness

8 comments – Limiting beliefs, limiting emotions, attitudes, limitations, to overcome feelings of inadequacy/unworthiness, self-esteem 

8 comments – Positive tapping on/for: visualizations, affirmations, express/feel gratitude, thinking, greater joy, thoughts about future events, goals, to “tap in” new choices or patterns

6 comments – Negative self-talk, self-sabotage, negative feelings/thinking 

6 comments – Illness: At first signs of/to get rid of a cold, flu, infection(s), or other “unwellness”

5 comments – Procrastination

5 comments – Preempt an anticipated stressful encounter, being stressed, day-to-day stress, over upcoming exam

5 comments – Fixing/finding things: Computer, computer printer, air conditioner, digital camera, toilet – finding glasses/lost items**

4 comments – Abundance: Attract/overcome blocks to it

4 comments – Frustration(s), feeling frustrated

4 comments – Irritability, irritations, grumpiness, daily aggravations

3 comments – Resentment

3 comments – Focus, concentration, brain fog

3 comments – Sexual; Problems, relaxation, abuse

2 comments – Expand or stream consciousness

2 comments – Decision making

2 comments – Motivation

Seven people commented that they “Try it, or use it: on everything, on anything bothersome, on a variety of issues with remarkable success.”

A number of people also mentioned having trouble with remembering to use EFT, or were new to EFT with minimal experience using it.

*The comment related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) did not elaborate on any of the symptoms associated with the condition.

**One might speculate that “fixing/finding things” could be related to focus, concentration, or memory, but it is listed here separately.

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Non-Professional Use of EFT for Others

Primary Question: When using EFT professionally, with what frequency do you use EFT to address each of the applications below.

Note: A simple table chart was created from the original pie chart results in order to break things up a bit in this lengthy report. 🙂

  Often  Sometimes  Rarely  Never
Allergies Depression
– 7%
– 20%
– 23%
– 50%
– 11%
– 23%
– 26%
– 40%
Fears/Phobias Past Issues
– 16%
– 24%
– 16%
– 32%
Performance Pain
– 14%
– 33%
– 16%
– 32%
Sleep Other Issues
– 8%
– 24%
– 22%
– 46%
– 24%
– 25%
– 16%
– 35%


The Top Four Uses of EFT  for Other People, Non-Professionally:

~ Pain – 67% (Often or Sometimes)

~ Fears / Phobias – 60% (Often or Sometimes)

~ Performance Anxiety/Blocks – 53% (Often or Sometimes)

~ Past Issues – 52% (Often or Sometimes


Comments on the Non-Professional Use of EFT for Others:

“I used it one time for my married daughter, who has a phobia with snakes, and was extremely upset after seeing one. I was able to use it to dry up her tears and bring her down from her agitated state.” 

“I have shortened the duration and frequency of my daughter’s epileptic seizures.”

“Successfully treated two cases of fear of flying in step-son and old friend”

“Used it for my father when he was diagnosed with bladder cancer, for my mother to cope, for people making their final transition, for my son after surgery, for my brother with ear pain, for the dog and her behavior”

“Used it for a handicapped child who wouldn’t stop crying, insomnia in a friend”.

“I use EFT with my entire family for big and small issues. The kids are 9, 7, & 4 plus my partner who is 41.”

“ADHD issues in a 10 year-old boy”

“I have a tapping doll that I made myself and I sometimes do surrogate tapping for family members, especially for my husband who is reluctant to tap on his own.”

“I use it for my sons for test taking and dealing with things in general.”

“I have taught most of my family and friends how to tap because it is such an amazing tool but i also use distance and surrogate tapping quite often.”

“I use it on my pets, cats and dog, with some success.” 

“With 6 kids in the house, I tap as needed and often, I surrogate tap for them at night while they are sleeping.”

“Using it with a friend who is going through a divorce/property settlement where there is a lot of anger, revenge, deceit and unpleasantness in general.”

“I use distance EFT for my bipolar daughter and believe it may help to keep her protected and balanced.”

“I used it on my cats for 1) loss of appetite; 2) signs of illness/discomfort. I used it on my plants when they were close to death, i.e. almost all their leaves were dead/dying.”

“Used it surrogately for friends that have complained of problems of any kind, and anonymously when in public for crying children, on planes, in the supermarket.”

“I’ve done surrogate EFT (with many immediate and effective results) on coworkers, pets, friends, and even one extremely effective instance on a harried and stressed waitress who serves us every week (it seems to have permanently relieved her waitressing unhappiness)!”

“For my animals”

“I taught two students EFT to help them with performance anxiety before final exam period.”

“I’ve used EFT with my husband, adult son and 89 yr old mom, all of whom are skeptics and get crabby when I try to help them…so I do surrogate tapping for them, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t (my fault, not getting to the issues)”

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Professional Use of EFT

During the survey, people who indicated they were EFT practitioners or health care workers (125 respondents) continued to answer questions regarding their use of EFT for the same applications as noted in the first part of the survey, but in their “Professional Capacity.” The pie charts below show the frequency with which they used EFT in their work for: 



professional use of EFT survey allergies pie chart

As seen in the results, 44% of practitioners used EFT with clients or patients for allergies at least sometimes.


professional use of EFT survey depression pie chart

The results indicate that 68% of professionals used EFT with clients or patients for depression at least sometimes, with the majority of those using it often.

Fears and Phobias

professional use of EFT survey fears and phobias pie chart

It’s quite evident that a majority of participating practitioners or health care workers used EFT Tapping in their work for fears and/or phobias, with 68% using it often, and 25% using it sometimes.


professional use of EFT survey pain pie chart

Similarly, 90% of practitioners and health care workers used EFT to assist clients and patients with pain often, or at least sometimes.

Performance Anxiety

professional use of EFT survey performance anxiety pie chart

As indicated, nearly half of respondents used EFT in a professional setting for performance anxiety and blocks, with over one-third having used it sometimes.

Past Issues

professional use of EFT survey past issues pie chart

Given that a primary goal of Emotional Freedom Techniques is to recognize and address traumatic experiences from one’s past, it’s not surprising that 72% of these respondents often used EFT for past issues and 22% used it, at least, sometimes.

Sleep Problems

professional use of EFT survey sleep problems pie chart

Nearly 70% of the survey participants who use EFT professionally reported they sometimes, or often, use it to help patients and clients resolve issues with sleeping.


Other (Applications of EFT)

professional use of EFT survey other uses pie chart

Not surprisingly, 90% of practitioners and health care workers use EFT for issues other than the applications queried in the survey. 

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Many of the professionals that were not specifically EFT practitioners used it in conjunction with protocols of their specialized field. Here are some comments by those who indicated that they meld EFT into their “other” work.


Comments on Using EFT in Other Specialized Fields

“I am a Hypnotherapist and I almost always use EFT in conjunction with hypnosis. I use it very often for general stress and anxiety problems. I also find it invaluable for eliminating cravings for cigarettes in my Stop Smoking sessions, and also cravings for certain foods in Weight Loss sessions.”

“I am using EFT at my practice as clinical and medical psychology. I use it daily with countless number of issues.”

“I work in a chiropractor’s office which may skew the answers re the way I use EFT professionally. Most of our clients in the office are there specifically BECAUSE of pain and/or nutritional issues and a desire to focus on wellness. Also, I am NOT a therapist, rather I specialize in “energy healing”, and use EFT from that perspective, which is why I make sure that I have good boundaries and by definition my clients are encouraged NOT to present their deep seated past issues (abuse, etc) to me for work. Rather, I encourage them that this is a self-help tool, watch their thoughts, see what comes up, and if there is something that comes up, then they are encouraged to seek appropriate guidance/direction with someone more qualified.”

“In my work as an art therapist in adult mental health I’ve found EFT particularly useful with generalized anxiety disorders – not a one minute wonder though. It’s useful in working with eating disorders if client is willing (I work in a specialist eating disorder service and some clients are very severely anorexic). I also sometimes use it imaginally on my own ‘counter transference’ feelings while clients are doing art work – sometimes apparently to extraordinary effect e.g. the ‘stuck’ client will begin to ‘move’ or a ‘cut off’ client will begin to make tentative contact. I also work with PTSD and other trauma reactions and we all know EFT’s benefits in this area.”

“I work as a caregiver for the elderly, EFT has provided immediate results but in the case of patients with cognitive impairments the results are not lasting and poor patient memory hinders access to core issues.”

“I am a massage therapist as well as EFT practitioner and find that if the client is with me solely for massage if I ask them how they are, they usually tell me something briefly about their current life situation and then during the massage I am working over the EFT points anyway and they often gain a lot of clarity about their situation even though there has been silence throughout the massage. I often use EFT in conjunction with massage, especially for serious tendon injuries and they resolve very quickly indeed.”

“I’m a musician/teacher and I work with performance anxiety daily.”

“Use it in my hypnotherapy practice for cigarette cravings, food cravings and recently on a 15 year old for hair-pulling.”

“This (EFT) is often done in individual exam rooms very quickly and without much announcement. I usually use for pain issues and issues from the past (PTSD). I do not consider PTSD as a sleep issue, it is a trauma issue. It sometimes presents as a sleep issue in the medical environment where I work.”

“A racehorse I worked on had 2 main problems, one was “weaving”. After one session on her and a second on the phone with her trainer doing the tapping, the weaving stopped. She was also a “bleeder”. One session was all she needed.”


Comments on Using EFT with Other Methods

Additionally, EFT practitioners reported using it for specific issues and with other complementary methods. Here are some of their comments:

“Self esteem, unwanted habits, cravings, and much more.”

“For self esteem and personal development.”

“…self-esteem, self-acceptance as an issue.  Also overwhelm with world situation, confusion as to where one fits in.”

“I also use BSFF and TAT, along with chakra work — whatever makes most sense. I always teach EFT, but do not use it exclusively.”

“Other – dealing with anger, resentment, shame, guilt”

“parent/adult children relationships, anger, preparation for meditation”

“I have found it very useful for issues associated with weight management, guilt, self belief and self worth amongst others.”


“I ONLY use EFT adding more and more positive input (eg Choices Method). That seems to work wonderfully.”


Interestingly, many other respondents noted that they used EFT with clients specifically for weight loss related issues (cravings, binge eating, overeating) and for smoking cessation.

Professional Use of EFT (Queried Issues) Summary:


  1. Past Issues – 94%
  2. Fears / Phobias – 93%
  3. Pain – 90%
  4. Performance Anxiety – 83%
  5. Depression – 68%
  6. Sleep – 66%
  7. Allergies – 44%


Closing Comments

Despite the fact that this survey was conducted over a decade ago, the results reveal testaments to the value of EFT, it’s flexibility and adaptability to a multitude of applications.

Related EFT Studies

Click the bar below for links to some EFT studies related to a number of issues reported in these survey results.

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques Research Studies

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized and Non-randomized Trials of Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for the Treatment of Depression - Jerrod A. Nelms PhD, MPH, LianaCastel PhD, MSPH. EXPLORE Volume 12, Issue 6, November–December 2016

    Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health - Bach, D., Groesbeck, G., Stapleton, P., Sims, R., Blickheuser, K., & Church, D. (2019).  Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine, vol. 24

    (Study looked at anxiety, fears/phobias, and depression and also references Dr. Carrington's early research)

    Emotional Freedom Techniques to Treat Post traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans: Review of the Evidence, Survey of Practitioners, and Proposed Clinical Guidelines - Church, D., Stern, S., Boath, E., Stewart, A., Feinstein, D., & Clond, M. (2017).  The Permanente journal21, 16–100.

    Pain, Range of Motion, and Psychological Symptoms in a Population With Frozen Shoulder: A Randomized Controlled Dismantling Study of Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Archives of Scientific Psychology, 4(1), 38-48. (Church, D., & Nelms, J., 2016)

    Online Delivery of Emotional Freedom Techniques in the Treatment of Food Cravings and Weight Management: A Randomised Controlled Trial  - Stapleton, P. B., Trude, R., Mackintosh, G., Sparenburg, E., Sabot, D., & Carter, B. (2019).  OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine4(4).

    Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) to reduce exam anxiety in Turkish nursing students - Irmak Vural, P., Körpe, G. ve İnangil, D. - (2019). Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) to reduce exam anxiety in Turkish nursing students. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 32.

    Abstract -

    PDF -



More Resources

Learn EFT Step-by-Step (Free Instruction)

How People Do EFT Survey Results

How to Remember to Tap (Free Download)

How to Get, and Stay, Motivated

EFT Choices for a Pet in Distress

Distance Healing, Intention and Surrogate EFT


The survey program used for the surveys: UCCASS PHP Survey System

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