The Evolution of EFT from TFT – By Gary Craig

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an offshoot of TFT (Thought Field Therapy), a meridian based energy psychology technique developed by Dr. Roger Callahan in the 1980’s.

Both methods employ light tapping of the meridian end points accompanied by special verbalization.  EFT differs from TFT in many respects.  To distinguish between these two methods we suggest you read the definitive discussion on this subject by Gary … Continue reading

Soften and Flow: A Way to Relieve Stress


I’d like to pass on to you, with my comments and perhaps some additions or renditions, the very best innovations in EFT tapping that I come across and give you the cream of the crop, so to speak.

I really like the simple and beautiful tapping strategy devised by EFT Practitioner Nicola Quinn in the following article, together with an audio rendition of it that I made to guide … Continue reading

EFT for a Ruptured Appendix

I want to tell you about a little boy of 11 years old whom we shall call “Bobby”. Bobby exemplifies for me the future that we are all hoping for in terms of strategic uses of the EFT. His story is surprising as well as inspiring.

To start at the beginning, Bobby comes from a family that I call an “EFT family”. His mother has been practicing the technique … Continue reading

EFT Surrogate Tapping on a Plane

Before the details fade in my mind, I’ve been wanting for some time to report an EFT “intentionality” episode that I experienced when I was flying back from the Toronto Energy Conference.

Two seats away from me there was a young woman I would guess to be in her early twenties.

She was dressed in a corporate manner with an attaché case at hand and seemed to be trying to … Continue reading

Multiple Phobias Treated with EFT – 10-Year Follow-Up

There are times when nature seems to help us out by testing our EFT work to see whether it’s “for real.”  My experience with “Louise” was a prime example of this and also demonstrates the extraordinary lasting power of this approach.

When Louise originally consulted me it was for problems she had “leaving home.”  She was a highly competent executive in a major corporation, a large, rangy young woman with … Continue reading