Tapping to Love and Accept Yourself More Fully

Dr. Patricia Carrington


Here, is a special tapping exercise that I have created to help you love and accept yourself more fully:


Read this tapping sequence to yourself.


Start by repeating out loud the following setup phrase as you tap on the karate chop spot:

Karate Chop Spot:  Even though I don’t know what loving myself really means, I choose to experience loving myself in a wonderful way today ….

Repeat the above phrase 3 times while continuing to tap on the karate chop spot.


Now do Part 1 of the Choices Trio which consists of tapping for one whole round of the negative, to get the negative out of your system.

Inner eyebrow:  I don’t know what loving myself really means.

Outer eye:   Does it mean giving myself whatever I want?

Inner eye:   Does it mean grabbing my favorite food right now even if it may mean not be good for me to eat now?

Under eye:  Does it mean insisting that another person love me and trying to make that happen in every way I can ?

Under nose:   Doing it mean giving myself something outrageously self-indulgent today?

Under mouth:   I can’t imagine loving myself the way I sometimes love other people or pets.

Collarbone:  I can’t imagine loving myself as someone I could just throw my arms around and hug!

Under arm:  I can’t imagine feeling wonderful as I extend help and comfort to myself.

Top of head: I can imagine just plain loving and delighting in myself!

Inner eyebrow:  How can I possibly do these things?


Now you will do Part 2 of the Choices Trio where you will positive EFT Choices at each tapping spot:

Inner eyebrow:  I choose to remember a time when I felt just great about myself,  maybe for only a couple of minutes.

Outer eye:  I choose to smile (let yourself actually smile physically) when I think of myself at this very minute.

Under eye:  I choose to stretch my arms out to the sky in a gesture of loving ME.

Under nose:  I choose to realize that my love, who ever it is directed toward, is coming from me.

Under mouth:  I choose to just love how it feels to give love.

Collarbone:  I choose to realize that feeling love is the best thing in the world.

Under arm:  I choose to realize that the reason I love other special people in my life is because they evoke wonderful love from me.

Top of head: I choose to feel wonderful love right now for a person called (insert your own name)

Take an easy breath in and let it out slowly…

Inner eyebrow:  I choose to reach out to me with a big smile.

Outer eye:  I choose to call that me a darling.

Under eye:  I choose to feel a smile in my heart when I think of me.

Under nose:  What a privilege it is to be able to love…

Under mouth:  … Even when I am for the moment just directing  that love to myself

Collarbone: There is no difference really…

Under arm:   between when we love others or when we love ourselves

Top of head:   It’s the same feeling.

Inner eyebrow:   Remember the old saying that “All the world loves a lover”?

Outer eye:   I choose to have wonderful fun giving love right now – to myself!

Under eye:  And delighting in myself…

Under nose:  What a privilege.

Under mouth:  I choose to love myself right now…

And now you will do Part 3 of the Choices Trio which trains your mind to substitute a positive choice for a negative feeling – automatically. In this round you alternate negative and positive statements by using a negative statement at the first tapping point and a positive statement at the next tapping point, followed by negative and then positive statements for one whole round of tapping. Here is the way it works:

Inner eyebrow:  I don’t really know what it means to love myself.

Outer eye:  I choose to reach out to me with a big smile!

Under eye:  I don’t really know what it means to love myself.

Under nose:   I choose to reach out to me with a big smile!

Under mouth:  I don’t really know what it means to love myself.

Collarbone:  I choose to reach out to me with a big smile!

Under arm:  I don’t really know what it means to love myself.

Top of head I choose to reach out to me with a big smile!

Now test yourself by using a standard EFT or TFT setup phrase and see how the issue of loving and accepting yourself feels to you now. To do this, say out loud:

  “Even though I feel (fill in with your own negative phrase) “I deeply and completely accept and love myself” and see how it feels to say the last part of this is the acceptance phrase.


Since our hearts tend to express love so simply and directly, you might test yourself by saying “I just love myself” at the end of the set up phrase – actually that is what I myself do.

I suggest that you use this tapping sequence every morning before you begin your day and watch what happens….



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