Acceptance of Beneficial Change

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Acceptance of Beneficial Change


Use EFT to Quell Fear of Change

Research reveals that whether you encounter negative change, or wonderfully positive change, you are at risk of experiencing emotional distress of some sort. New territory is always unknown. When our ancestors came up against the unknown in any form it signalled to them “danger in the jungle.” So, to them, change meant “Watch out!” I have to be on guard because I don’t know what’s coming!” 

For this reason, a substantial change of any sort, particularly if it is unexpected and we are unprepared for it, can trigger deep survival anxiety in us. 


Our primitive fear of change can cause us to resist the very experiences we long for!

The implications of this are far reaching. The need to defend ourselves and stay safe (to survive in primitive terms) is so strong that it can result in what is commonly known as “self sabotaging behavior.” More appropriately stated, it is an innate “misguided self -protection” mechanism.  

For some time, I have given much thought to the fear factor, which can prevent us from fully receiving any change for the good, odd as that may seem when it happens. I have also spent a good deal of time working with clients and groups who have experienced this phenomenon. 

As a result, I am happy to report that much of my ongoing work in this area is now reflected in what I consider to be one of the most helpful teleseminars I have ever conducted. As you listen to my audio, “Acceptance of Beneficial Change,” you will tap along with me while you:

“Borrow Benefits” from participants and “tap away” instinctive distrust of beneficial change.


Through this session, you will learn how to open your heart to the very best things that you have longed for 

In addition, my e-book, “Exercises for Acceptance of Beneficial Change,” takes over and gives you even more tapping exercises that allow you to solidify your new habits of acceptance and rid you of any subconscious fears of the experiences you most want to attract into your life.  




You will become empowered to fully welcome beneficial change. 



You will feel the difference this makes in your life immediately and can use the exercises repeatedly to strengthen your new state of full acceptance.

This is a winning combination if you let the audio and e-Book complement each other in their own powerful fashion…





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OR, you can own the COMPLETE PACKAGE:

The Acceptance of Beneficial Change AudioExercises for Acceptance of Beneficial Change e-Book and the transcript of the audio for

Only $47.00



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